Poverty and inequality in Australia are driven by unfair policies. Our political advocacy is focused on ensuring all Australians can meet their basic needs and live with dignity. Here are some campaigns we support.

End Child Poverty campaign 

The Valuing Children Initiative are running a campaign to End Child Poverty. The existence of child poverty in Australia is undeniable with one in six children living below the poverty line. In real numbers, that’s 761,000 Australian children living in poverty. They are calling on the Federal Government to legislate an end to child poverty and include children as a priority in the Measuring What Matters national wellbeing framework. 

Find out more here.

Make Renting Fair WA

We're in a housing crisis, and many renters are struggling. Tenants still do not have adequate standards for rentals and can still be evicted with no reason from their home. The WA Government has left the door open for this change to happen soon, and the Make Renting Fair campaign are working to keep the pressure on. States like the ACT are leading the charge with rental reforms and we can’t let WA fall behind. Together we can end no grounds evictions and limit rent increases.

Find out more here.

Raise the Rate

The Australian Council of Social Services is working to ensure that everyone should have enough to cover the basics. But right now, the punishingly low rate of income support is forcing people to make heartbreaking decisions between buying food and medicine. If we’re going to create a more equal and resilient community, we need to raise the rate of Jobseeker and other income support payments to at least $80 a day so everyone can keep a roof over their head and food on the table. 

Find out more here.

2024 State Budget 

Equity Project released it's response to the 2024 WA State Budget. The Project acknowledged the ongoing efforts to provide equal cost of living relief for Western Australians, but stressed that it is clear some people are doing it tougher than others.

The Budget makes a lot of decisions in the right areas, with the government recognising there is a profound need in the community to address the growing issues of housing, homelessness, domestic violence, and cost of living.

You can read our media release in full here or see the below Budget response from lived experience advocate Charlie Octovia here.